Ex-Police Minister Nathi Nhleko has left the ANC weeks after his spat with secretary-general Fikile Mbalula over alleged lies about former President Jacob Zuma ‘fire pool’ in Nkandla.

In January, Mbalula sparked outrage over comments that members of the ruling party had lied and said Nkandla’s swimming pool was a fire pool, reports The Citizen.

Mbalula said in part: 'We formed an ad-hoc committee in Parliament on Nkandla and said a swimming pool is a fire pool. The then Minister of Police was sweating in that committee because kunzima xa uthetha ubuxoki (it’s difficult to defend lies).'

In a letter addressed to Mbalula and President Cyril Ramaphosa, among others, Nhleko slammed Mbalula for the comments about the ruling party protecting Zuma and how Nhleko ‘sweated’ through the lies.

Like Zuma, Nhleko said he could no longer recognise the current ANC.

Yesterday, Mbalula slammed Nhleko’s reasons for leaving the ruling party as a ‘cheap way out’.

He said: ‘I see Nathi Nhleko has resigned from the ANC and he blames it on me. What a cheap way out. This fellow told the whole country that a swimming pool is a fire pool .... wait till I tell you what he advised me to do at a handover meeting.’

Full report in The Citizen