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Find a South African Law Firm operating in the Kagiso Magisterial District

Search through a list of 2 South African Law Firms, Lawyers and Attorneys who operate in the Kagiso Magisterial District Court

Law Firm in Gauteng: Masala Attorneys

Masala Attorneys

Randpark Ridge, Roordepoort, Gauteng

Phone  0817318799
E-mail  [email protected]
A boutique firm that dedicates 24 hours a week to provide quality legal service

Masala Attorney prides itself in possessing a diverse legal acumen, based in the heart of the Westrand. Our Attorneys and staff members dedicate their time and skills to ensure that our clients are given peace of mind. Whether you are a business in need of assistance in a commercial transaction, or are an individual who wishes to enforce their right, be it in a labour dispute, personal injury claim, family law, or a criminal matter, we are just one click away.

>> Law Firm's Overview << First Consultation Free Contingency Fee

Khosa attorneys

Krugersdorp in Mogale city, Gauteng

Phone  084 981 9350

>> Law Firm's Overview << First Consultation Free Contingency Fee

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