Legal Articles and Guides
SCA grants ‘self-defence’ appeal bid
The SCA has given Durban security officer Sahil Ramthal – jailed for the murder of a panel-beater's ‘crazed’ employee – the right to appeal his sentence because he could have acted in self-defence.
Unconstitutional dagga sentence overturned
A man’s conviction and jail sentence for dagga possession has been overturned after a magistrate applied a law that was declared unconstitutional 29 years ago, reports The Citizen.
LPC staff suspended for ‘nullifying’ cases
At least two staff members of the Legal Practice Council (LPC) in the Eastern Cape have been placed on precautionary suspension after the lid blew wide open on ‘syndicates and unethical lawyers targeting LPC staff to nullify cases’.
Just R107m recovered from VBS
The Auditor-General (AG) has identified financial losses amounting to R1.6bn from municipalities that invested with the now defunct VBS.
Activists and opposition parties hail Malusi Booi’s arrest
Housing activists and political parties have praised the arrest of former DA and City of Cape Town councillor Malusi Booi in a fraud and tender corruption case, reports News24.
Lawyer appears over theft of RAF funds
The Road Accident Fund (RAF) has claimed the arrest of an Eastern Cape lawyer who allegedly stole claimants’ money in his trust fund was indicative of a larger problem of fraud and corruption.
Mabuyane opens case against king over extortion claims
Eastern Cape Premier Oscar Mabuyane opened a crimen injuria case against AbaThembu King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo at the Bhisho police station yesterday after he was accused of being involved in extortion incidents, reports News24.
Botched hit linked to contract cam
The murder of Vereeniging engineering company employee Armand Swart came just two weeks after the firm blew the whistle on mammoth Transnet tender price inflation that saw the cost of a single contract gouged by more than 4 500%.
Hawks raid offices of Simelane’s former assistant
The Hawks executed a search and seizure warrant on Justice Minister Thembi Simelane's former personal assistant, based at the Polokwane Municipality, last week to secure possible evidence of corruption linked to the municipality's R349m investment with VBS Mutual Bank in 2016 and 2017.
Court rejects daughter's retraction of rape claims
Five years after the father of a teenager was sentenced to life imprisonment for raping her and after she gave detailed accounts of how she was raped while she had to dance naked for her father and his friends, the teenager has now claimed that the accusations were false.
Lawyer admits to blowing looted cash
Law firm Fluxmans claims its former director Solomon Slom (81) admitted to stealing millions from a client's escrow account – and said it was forced to sequestrate Slom to stop him from blowing the cash he has left.
Magistrate berates state in insurance fraud killing case
A gardener accused of acting with his employer to kill her domestic worker to benefit from R6m worth of life insurance claims, was denied bail in the Lenasia Magistrate's Court on Friday.
Ex-Prasa engineer jailed over bogus qualifications
Former Passenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa) chief engineer Daniel Mtimkulu has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for falsifying his qualifications and submitting a fake employment offer from a German company to bump up his salary.
Doctor cleared of fraud following appeal
The Eastern Cape High Court (Mthatha) has set aside the fraud and theft conviction of Eastern Cape doctor Chwayita Yako, says a Daily Dispatch report.
Spotlight on magistrate in high-profile rape case
Magistrate Ezra Morrison withdrew rape charges against the teenager later accused of killing Deveney Nel, despite a psychiatrist's warning about his violent tendencies.