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Louis Gishen & Associates Law Firm

Louis Gishen & Associates

We render a professional service to all of our clients with old fashioned service levels and all the latest technology and skills of the modern day.  We provide legal services to various large corpor

Louis Gishen & Associates
Office Name: Sandton

Physical Address:
Bull & Bear House
58 Peter Place


Postal Address:
P O Box 3967


Phone  +27 (0)11 790 4200
Fax  +27 (0)11 790 4222
E-mail  [email protected]

Firm established in 1964 (61 years ago)

Languages: English, Afrikaans

Magisterial Districts serviced Johannesburg;

Louis Gishen & Associates Overview

We render a professional service to all of our clients with old fashioned service levels and all the latest technology and skills of the modern day.  We provide legal services to various large corporate institutions and recognise the importance our skills bring to all aspects of our clients lives.  Because of this we regard ourselves as the “traditional family lawyers” who help our clients in all legal matter. "Our firm has been in existence for over 50 Years!" Louis Gishen & Associates has been largely recognised of extending this client relationship up to and including winding-up of the deceased estate. The relationship with our clients is therefore very important to us and are built from many years of skilful service. We are privileged to be on the Conveyancing Panels of all the leading Banks in South Africa including Investec Bank Limited.  We have represented international companies such as Meryll Lynch and property developers in the Netherlands listed on the Netherlands Stock Exchange. Our firm represents many of the large banking institutions, listed companies on the JSE and recognised companies involved in the development of the inner city and the provision of social affordable housing. "Traditional family lawyers who will guide our clients in all matters relating to their lives"

Location map for Louis Gishen & Associates (Sandton)

Directions to Louis Gishen & Associates (Sandton)

58 Peter Place, Bull & Bear House, Sandton

Areas of Law

Lawyers and Consultants

Alan Louis Allschwang
Alan Louis Allschwang

Louis Gishen
Louis Gishen

Michelle Lynne Lynne Gishen
Michelle Lynne Lynne Gishen

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