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Schalkwyk Dirk Attorneys

Legal, Attorney

Office Name: Mokopane

Physical Address:
109 Ruiter Rd


Phone  0649624610
Fax  0864858011
E-mail  [email protected]

Languages: English, Afrikaans

Magisterial Districts serviced Mahwelereng; Mokopane;

First Consultation Free Schalkwyk Dirk Attorneys does NOT provide the first consultation for free
Contingency Fee Agreement Schalkwyk Dirk Attorneys is open to Contingency Fee Agreements
Accepts Credit Cards Schalkwyk Dirk Attorneys does NOT accept Credit Card payments

Schalkwyk Dirk Attorneys Overview

Law firm operating in Mokopane, Limpopo, South Africa

Location map for Schalkwyk Dirk Attorneys (Mokopane)

Areas of Law

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