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Find a South African Law Firm operating in the Hermanus Magisterial District

Search through a list of 6 South African Law Firms, Lawyers and Attorneys who operate in the Hermanus Magisterial District Court

Law Firm in Western Cape: LB Vorster Attorneys

LB Vorster Attorneys

Hermanus, Western Cape

Phone  +27 (0)28 313 0136
Fax  +27 (0)28 313 0946
E-mail  [email protected]
Be it property transfers, the administration of deceased estates, drafting of contracts or civil and criminal litigation, our clients without exception receive prompt personal attention and service.

Be it property transfers, the administration of deceased estates, drafting of contracts or civil and criminal litigation, our clients without exception receive prompt personal attention and service. With more than 30 years experience, we are ideally positioned to render the service that you require. 

>> Law Firm's Overview <<
Law Firm in Western Cape: Steyn Wilson Incorporated

Steyn Wilson Incorporated

Hermanus, Western Cape

Phone  +27 (0)28 316 3707
Fax  +27 (0)28 316 3720
E-mail  [email protected]
Between the directors of the firm is more than 30 years experience in Criminal Law. We also specialize in Divorce and Family Law and High Court Litigation, conveyancing and Estate Planning.Lourina a

Between the directors of the firm is more than 30 years experience in Criminal Law. We also specialize in Divorce and Family Law and High Court Litigation, conveyancing and Estate Planning. Lourina and Danie are two dynamic young attorneys dealing in various areas of the Law - Criminal Law (Drunken driving), High Court and Magistrates Court Litigation, Conveyancing, Contracts and Estate Planning.

>> Law Firm's Overview <<
Law Firm in Western Cape: Petro Lessing Attorneys & Conveyancers

Petro Lessing Attorneys & Conveyancers

Lochnerhof, Strand, Western Cape

Phone  0825531735
Fax  0866179296
E-mail  [email protected]
Attending to property transfer registrations & related matters

Attending to immovable property related matters, drafting of agreements of sale & registration of property transfers and personally delivers professional service. In addition to conventional and sectional transfers and private bond registrations, the firm also attends to registrations of subdivisions, consolidations, endorsements of deeds for various purposes, such as estate matters, etc, amendments to deeds, releases and cancellations of private bonds.

>> Law Firm's Overview << First Consultation Free
Law Firm in Western Cape: J. Paulsen Attorneys

J. Paulsen Attorneys

Gansbaai, Western Cape

Phone  +27 28 384 1056
E-mail  [email protected]

General & Specialised Legal Services offered in the coastal town of Gansbaai in the Western Cape. Mr. Paulsen is an experienced attorney and previously acting magistrate with an abundance of skills and knowledge to assist you in all Civil, Criminal and Matrimonial matters as well as Property Transfers and Estates.

>> Law Firm's Overview <<

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