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 Frederick Jakobus Van Zyl of Van Zyl Scheepers Attorneys Law Firm

Frederick Jakobus Van Zyl

Attorney and Lawyer practicing in Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

 Frederick Jakobus Van Zyl of Van Zyl Scheepers Attorneys Law Firm

Enough of a lawyer to win the argument and enough of a strategist to know he doesn’t always have to. Frederick is the level-headed partner that you want at the table when you’re structuring a deal or hashing out a problem. He’s diligent and tenacious, fair and patient. A winning combination whether you’re brewing an ale or reviewing a contract. And he can hold his breath for four minutes. Don’t try that at home. 

LLB (Unisa)

Formal Admissions:
Admitted to the High Court as an attorney.

Admission Status:
Practicing Roll

Direct Contact:
Cellular  +27 79 498 1264

Director/Partner at Van Zyl Scheepers Attorneys, Stellenbosch

Physical Address:
34 Dorp Street


Postal Address:
34 Dorp Street

Contact Details:
Office Telephone  0214933577

Personal website 

Most recent Legal Articles posted by Frederick Jakobus Van Zyl

Tips for property buyers

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