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 Pieter Van der Merwe of VDMA Attorneys Attorneys Law Firm

Pieter Van der Merwe

Backed by 20 years of experience and proficiency in business law, Pieter Van Der Merwe advises clien

 Pieter Van der Merwe of VDMA Attorneys Attorneys Law Firm

Backed by 20 years of experience and proficiency in business law, Pieter Van Der Merwe advises clients on a variety of business matters such as acquisitions, joint ventures, corporate restructuring and trade transactions. He sees himself as a normal person with a highly specialised skill-set and a passion for his field. It does not matter if it is a newly formed company or a large listed public company, he enjoys the satisfaction of seeing his clients succeed. Pieter has been a keynote speaker on company law and business law matters at various conferences. He enjoys rubbing shoulders with people in the industry and contributes regularly to the firm’s blog on commercial law matters.

Admission Status:
Practicing Roll

Afrikaans, English

Direct Contact:
Direct Telephon  +27 (0)11 063 2556

Director/Partner at VDMA Attorneys Attorneys, Pretoria

Physical Address:
12 Byls Bridge Boulevard


Postal Address:
P O Box 12183


Contact Details:
Office Telephone  +27 (0)11 063 2556
Office Fax  087 942 7360
Personal E-mail  [email protected]

Personal website 

Areas of Law

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