Hartbeestpoort Dam Periodical Court
Operating in the Hartbeestpoort Dam district held at Hartbeestpoort Dam, North West
Physical Address:
Cnr Van Velden & Court Street
Brits 0250
North West
Cnr Van Velden & Court Street
Brits 0250
North West
Postal Address:
Private Bag X5002
Brits 0250
North West
Private Bag X5002
Brits 0250
North West
Court Manager:
Ms M Botha (Acting Court Manager)
Ms M Botha (Acting Court Manager)
012 252 3223
012 252 3223
Services as a Small Claims Court
Unfortunately the Magistrates Court of Hartbeestpoort Dam does NOT operate as a Small Claims Court!
Services as an Equality Court
Unfortunately the Magistrates Court of Hartbeestpoort Dam does NOT operate as an Equality Court!