Riebeeck West Periodical Court
Operating in the Riebeeck West district held at Riebeeck West, Western Cape
Physical Address:
c/o Hof & Sending Street
Riebeeck Wes
Western Cape
c/o Hof & Sending Street
Riebeeck Wes
Western Cape
Postal Address:
Private Bag X01
Malmesbury 7299
Western Cape
Private Bag X01
Malmesbury 7299
Western Cape
Court Manager:
Mrs L Goosen
Mrs L Goosen
022 482 1121/ 1166/
022 482 4307
Services as a Small Claims Court
Unfortunately the Magistrates Court of Riebeeck West does NOT operate as a Small Claims Court!
Services as an Equality Court
Unfortunately the Magistrates Court of Riebeeck West does NOT operate as an Equality Court!