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Soweto Detached Court

Operating in the Soweto district held at Soweto, Gauteng

Physical Address:
Cnr Ndaba & Kunene drive
Protea North
  Soweto 1818

Postal Address:
Private Bag X4102
Protea Glen

Court Manager:
Mr Avhashoni Michael Mahwasane

Phone  011 980 8130
Fax  011 980 5141

Services as a Small Claims Court

The Magistrates Court of Soweto DOES operate as a Small Claims Court!

Who may institute a claim? -- Anyone except juristic persons such as Companies, Close Corporations and Associations. A person under 18 must be assisted by a parent or legal guardian.

Against whom may a claim be instituted? -- With the exception of the State, against anyone, including Companies, Close Corporations and Associations. NB: Please note that claims cannot be instituted against Municipalities/Local Government in a Small Claims Court.

What amount can be claimed? -- An amount not exceeding R 15 000. (This amount is determined by the Minister from time to time in the Government Gazette. Latest: G 37450 RG 10153 GoN 185, 18 Mar 2014. If your claim exceeds R 15 000 in value, you can institute a claim for a lesser amount to pursue your case in the Small Claims Court.

More information about the Small Claims Court is available here:

Services as an Equality Court

Unfortunately the Magistrates Court of Soweto does NOT operate as an Equality Court!

Location map for Soweto Detached Court

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