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LP Ngoepe Attorneys and Cost Consultants Law Firm

LP Ngoepe Attorneys and Cost Consultants

LP Ngoepe Attorneys offers a wide range of legal services with a special emphasis on commercial law, administrative law, labour law, tax law, administration of estates, personal injury, and insolvency law. 

LP Ngoepe Attorneys and Cost Consultants
Office Name: Pretoria

Physical Address:
3rd floor, Brooklyn Bridge Office Park
570 Fehrsen Street


Postal Address:
PO Box 36876
Menlo park


Phone  012 433 6553
E-mail  [email protected]

Languages: English, sepedi, sesotho

Magisterial Districts serviced Atteridgeville; Hatfield; Pretoria; Pretoria North; Tembisa;

First Consultation Free LP Ngoepe Attorneys and Cost Consultants does NOT provide the first consultation for free
Contingency Fee Agreement LP Ngoepe Attorneys and Cost Consultants is open to Contingency Fee Agreements
Accepts Credit Cards LP Ngoepe Attorneys and Cost Consultants accepts Credit Card payments

LP Ngoepe Attorneys and Cost Consultants Overview

LP Ngoepe Attorneys offers a wide range of legal services with a special emphasis on commercial law, administrative law, labour law, tax law, administration of estates, personal injury, cost consultancy and insolvency law. 

Location map for LP Ngoepe Attorneys and Cost Consultants (Pretoria)

Areas of Law

Lawyers and Consultants

Phuti Lesego Ngoepe
Phuti Lesego Ngoepe

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